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Mike Kumar

Learn and Practice Homographs with this List of 141 Examples PDF 141

List of Homographs with Meanings PDF 141

Have you ever encountered words that look the same but have different meanings or pronunciations depending on the context? For example, the word "bat" can mean a flying mammal or a wooden stick used in sports. These words are called homographs, and they are very common in English. In this article, you will learn what homographs are, why they are important, how to master them, and a list of 141 common homographs with meanings. You can also download a PDF version of this list for your reference.

List Of Homographs With Meanings Pdf 141

What are Homographs?

Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings or pronunciations. They can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or any other part of speech. For example, the word "lead" can be pronounced as /liːd/ to mean a metal element or as /lɛd/ to mean to guide or direct. The word "wind" can be pronounced as /wɪnd/ to mean moving air or as /waɪnd/ to mean to twist or turn something.

Definition and Examples of Homographs

A homograph is defined as a word that has the same spelling as another word but has a different meaning or pronunciation. The word homograph comes from the Greek words homo (same) and graph (writing). Some examples of homographs are:

  • Bow: a weapon that shoots arrows or a gesture of bending the head or body

  • Desert: a dry and barren area of land or to abandon someone or something

  • Lie: to recline or rest in a horizontal position or to tell a falsehood

  • Minute: a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or very small or insignificant

  • Tear: a drop of liquid from the eye or to rip or pull apart something

Types of Homographs

There are two main types of homographs: heteronyms and homonyms. Heteronyms are homographs that have different pronunciations and meanings. For example, the word "read" can be pronounced as /riːd/ in the present tense or as /rɛd/ in the past tense. Homonyms are homographs that have the same pronunciation but different meanings. For example, the word "rose" can mean a flower or the past tense of rise.

Why are Homographs Important?

Homographs are important for several reasons. First, they enrich the English language by adding variety and complexity. They also challenge and stimulate the brain by requiring attention and context clues to understand them. Second, they enhance communication skills by allowing speakers and writers to express themselves more creatively and precisely. They also help listeners and readers to appreciate the nuances and subtleties of language. Third, they improve learning outcomes by fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They also help learners to expand their vocabulary and grammar knowledge.

Benefits of Learning Homographs

Learning homographs can bring many benefits for language learners and users. Some of these benefits are:

  • Increasing vocabulary range and depth by exposing learners to more words and meanings

  • Improving reading comprehension and writing skills by enabling learners to infer and deduce meanings from context

  • Enhancing speaking and listening skills by enabling learners to use and understand different tones and intonations

  • Boosting confidence and motivation by challenging learners to overcome difficulties and achieve goals

  • Having fun and enjoyment by playing with words and discovering new possibilities

Challenges of Using Homographs

Using homographs can also pose some challenges for language learners and users. Some of these challenges are:

  • Causing confusion and misunderstanding by using or encountering words with ambiguous or contradictory meanings

  • Making errors and mistakes by mispronouncing or misusing words in inappropriate situations

  • Feeling frustrated and discouraged by facing difficulties and obstacles in learning and using homographs

  • Lacking resources and guidance by having insufficient or inaccurate information or feedback on homographs

  • Becoming bored and disinterested by repeating or encountering the same words and meanings

How to Master Homographs?

Mastery of homographs requires practice and patience. There is no shortcut or magic formula to learn them. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help learners to master homographs more effectively and efficiently. Some of these tips and tricks are:

Tips and Tricks for Identifying Homographs

To identify homographs, learners can use the following strategies:

  • Look at the context: the surrounding words, sentences, paragraphs, or texts can provide clues to the meaning and pronunciation of a homograph

  • Look at the part of speech: the grammatical function of a word can indicate its meaning and pronunciation. For example, nouns are usually stressed on the first syllable, while verbs are usually stressed on the second syllable

  • Look at the origin: the etymology or history of a word can reveal its meaning and pronunciation. For example, words derived from Latin or French tend to have a soft "c" sound, while words derived from Germanic languages tend to have a hard "c" sound

  • Look at the synonyms and antonyms: words that have similar or opposite meanings can help learners to understand a homograph better. For example, the word "close" can mean near or shut, which are synonyms of each other, or far or open, which are antonyms of each other

  • Look at the examples: sentences or phrases that use a homograph in different ways can illustrate its meaning and pronunciation more clearly. For example, the word "wind" can be used as a noun in "The wind is blowing hard" or as a verb in "She wound the clock"

Resources for Practicing Homographs

To practice homographs, learners can use the following resources:

  • Dictionaries: online or offline dictionaries can provide definitions, pronunciations, examples, synonyms, antonyms, origins, and usage notes for homographs. Some dictionaries also have audio features that allow learners to listen to the correct pronunciation of a word

  • Worksheets: printable or interactive worksheets can offer exercises and activities that test learners' knowledge and understanding of homographs. Some worksheets also have answer keys that allow learners to check their work and correct their mistakes

  • Games: online or offline games can make learning homographs more fun and engaging. Some games also have levels of difficulty that allow learners to challenge themselves and progress at their own pace

  • Videos: online videos can show learners how homographs are used in real-life situations. Some videos also have subtitles or captions that allow learners to read along and improve their listening skills

  • List of Homographs with Meanings PDF 141: this is a comprehensive list of 141 common homographs with meanings that learners can download for free. It also has a table format that makes it easy to read and review.

List of 141 Common Homographs with Meanings

The following is a list of 141 common homographs with meanings. The list is divided into six sections according to the alphabetical order of the words. The meanings are given in parentheses after each word. The list is not exhaustive, but it covers most of the frequently used homographs in English.


Absent (not present; to leave)Bass (a type of fish; a low musical sound)

Address (a location; to speak to)Bat (a flying mammal; a wooden stick)


Entrance (an entryway; to enchant)Lead (a metal element; to guide or direct)

Evening (the end of the day; to make level or equal)Left (the opposite of right; the past tense of leave)

Excuse (a reason or apology; to forgive or release)Letter (a written message; a symbol of the alphabet)

Exit (a way out; to leave)Lie (to recline or rest; to tell a falsehood)

Fine (of good quality; a penalty or fee)Live (to be alive; happening at the present time)

Minute (a unit of time; very small or insignificant)Lower (to move down; not high or loud)

Object (a thing; to oppose or disagree)Mean (to signify or intend; unkind or cruel)

Park (a public green space; to leave a vehicle in a spot)Mole (a small animal; a spot on the skin)

Present (a gift; existing or occurring now)Petrol (gasoline; to make angry or annoyed)

Produce (to make or create; fruits and vegetables)Pole (a long stick; either end of an axis)

Project (a plan or task; to throw or cast forward)Raise (to lift up; an increase in salary)

Record (to keep track of something; a disk with music)Rose (a flower; the past tense of rise)

Refuse (to decline or reject; garbage or waste)Saw (a tool for cutting; the past tense of see)

Resume (to continue or restart; a summary of qualifications)Sewer (a person who sews; a pipe that carries waste water)



Incline (to slope or lean; to favor or tend to do something)Tear (a drop of liquid from the eye; to rip or pull apart something)

Invalid (not valid or correct; a sickly or disabled person) Tie (to fasten or secure with a knot; a draw or equal score)

Laminate (to cover with a thin layer; a material made of layers) Wind (moving air; to twist or turn something)

Learner (a person who is learning something; a type of driver's license) Wound (an injury caused by a weapon; the past tense of wind)


Moped (a type of motorbike; the past tense of mope) Race (a competition of speed; a group of people with common ancestry)

Mower (a machine that cuts grass; a person who mows) Racket (a device for hitting a ball; a loud noise or disturbance)

Nail (a thin metal spike; to hit something with force) Rail (a bar or track for trains; to complain or protest loudly)

Palm (the inner part of the hand; a type of tree) Rainbow (an arc of colors in the sky; a coalition of diverse groups)


Quail (a type of bird; to cower or shrink in fear) Tank (a large container for liquids; a military vehicle with armor and guns)

Quarter (a fourth part of something; a coin worth 25 cents) Tense (stretched tight; relating to verb forms that indicate time)

Rebel (a person who opposes authority; to resist or fight against something) Toast (bread that is heated and browned; a drink or expression of goodwill)

Refund (to give back money; money that is given back) Train (to teach or instruct; a series of connected vehicles or carriages)


Uniform (having the same form or appearance; a set of clothing worn by a group) Wave (to move the hand to greet or signal; a swell of water on the sea)

Use (to employ or apply something; the act or purpose of employing or applying something) Weed (an unwanted plant; to remove unwanted plants)

Wind (to wrap or coil something around something else; the act or process of wrapping or coiling something around something else) Well (in a good or satisfactory way; a hole or source of water)

Yard (a unit of measurement equal to 3 feet; an enclosed area of land around a building) Zinc (a metallic element; to coat something with zinc)


Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings or pronunciations. They can be challenging to learn and use, but they can also be fun and rewarding. By using the tips and tricks in this article, you can master homographs and improve your language skills. You can also download the list of 141 common homographs with meanings PDF 141 for your reference. Happy learning!


Here are some frequently asked questions about homographs:

  • What is the difference between homographs and homophones?

Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. For example, the words "sea" and "see" are homophones. Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings or pronunciations. For example, the word "wind" is a homograph.

  • How many homographs are there in English?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as new words are constantly being added to the language and some words may have multiple meanings or pronunciations. However, some estimates suggest that there are over 1,000 homographs in English.

  • How can I remember homographs?

The best way to remember homographs is to practice them regularly and use them in context. You can also use mnemonics, associations, or visual aids to help you remember them. For example, you can remember that "bow" can mean a weapon or a gesture by imagining a person bowing with a bow and arrow.

  • Are homographs confusing for native speakers?

Homographs can be confusing for native speakers as well as non-native speakers, especially when they have different pronunciations. However, native speakers usually rely on context clues and prior knowledge to understand them correctly. They may also use other words or phrases to clarify their meaning if necessary.

  • Are homographs unique to English?

No, homographs exist in many other languages as well. For example, in French, the word "livre" can mean a book or a pound (a unit of weight). In Spanish, the word "casa" can mean a house or a case (a grammatical category). In Chinese, the character "长" can mean long or chief.



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