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March for The Arts Group

Public·534 members

Rodion Belousov
Rodion Belousov

SwiftID Software: A Free and Simple Solution for ID Card Design and Printing

the swift 3 idswiftidsoftwarefreedownload library provides an idswiftididsoftwarefreedownloadlibrary provides an api for downloading one or more files from a url. it supports credentials as input parameters.



source '' platform :ios, '9.0' pod'swiftidsoftwarefreedownload', '> 3.1' usage the api does not have any parameters, so if you don't specify any parameters, you will get an empty result.

each result will contain the download status, the download location and a piece of metadata. the download status will be a string from the nshttpurlresponse constant values that represents a status from the nsurlsession.downloadtask api. nsurlsession.downloadtask constants can be found at nsurlsession.downloadtask .

let url = url(string:"") let fetch = cfhttpmessagecreaterequest(kcfallocatordefault, urlrequest(url: url, cachepolicy:.reloadignoringlocalcachedata, timeoutinterval: 10.0)) let session = urlsession(configuration:.default) do { let resp = try session.datatask(with: fetch, completionhandler: (data, response, error) in if let data = data print(string(data: data, encoding: nsutf8stringencoding)) else print("did not work") ) resp.

a simple and powerful swift library for downloading and saving videos. it is kept up to date with the latest changes in the swift framework. it also integrates with reactivecocoa. reactivecocoa provides mvvm reactive paradigm which is the new way to do cocoa applications.

let downloader = swiftiddownloader(apikey: nil, imagecache: nsurlcache.shared) downloader.downloaddata(completion: progress: $0, endoffset: $1, totalsize: $2, data: $0 ) for more information on the usage of this library, see the readme .


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